Calling all reviewers and artists

August 19, 2018 by

Arts Scene in Wales is the home of informed yet entertaining, concise, quality arts reviewing and writing.

We are unique in not only giving reviewers from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to share their voices but also to give artists their own voice without any interference from public funders, commercial concerns or political agendas. We believe we are also unique in covering English and Welsh language works and reviewing in both languages.

Our critics, journalists and artist contributors write for audiences to encourage greater participation in the arts and constructive debate.

We also reject parochialism in the arts and we cover all forms and levels of activity from incoming West End shows to  community theatre i.e. what people actually attend.

We occasionally cover events outside Wales but our priority is Wales so we cover the Eisteddfod in-depth and carry full reviews of selected work outside Wales such as our curated selection of Edinburgh Fringe shows rather a gallop around the festival.

All of our reviewers are encouraged to nominate for the Wales Theatre Awards and, like all freelances in Wales, are eligible for supported from the Wales Critics Fund which covers tickets, travel, accommodation and expenses.

For audiences this also means they can read reviews by a much more diverse range of people and hopefully this will reflect their own communities, their lives and attitudes and reactions to the arts

As we are independent, if you are a critic or run an arts website in Wales, we will be happy to carry your reviews or extracts and/or links to your work, as we only exist to support reviewing and the arts in Wales.

Also, click on the SUBSCRIBE button, top right, and you will receive a short notification of new posts at no cost.

We publish In My Words articles by artists and features and interviews by guest contributors. To be considered for publication or to suggest commissioning please email the Editor, Mike Smith:

Review requests:
To request a review of your show, contact the Editor, Mike Smith, as far as possible in advance of the performance:

We are always keen to hear from potential new reviewers. Our reviewers are supported by the wonderful Wales Critics Fund so receive travel costs and subsistence allowances. Please contact the editor, Mike Smith, outlining your live performance interests, experience (or lack of), geographic location, language for reviewing:

Llais Artistiaid ac Adolygwyr yng Nghymru

Y Sîn Gelfyddydau yng Nghymru yw cartref adolygu ac ysgrifennu hyddysg ond difyr, cryno a safonol am y celfyddydau.
Mae ein beirniaid yn ysgrifennu i gynulleidfaoedd ac artistiaid mewn arddull lân, gryno a chroyw sy’n ddelfrydol i’w darllen ar eich PC, gliniadur neu, yn bwysicach, ar eich tabled neu ffôn symudol.
Mae ein holl adolygwyr yn cymryd rhan yng Ngwobrau Theatr Cymru ac fe’u cefnogir gan Gronfa Beirniaid Cymru sy’n talu costau tocynnau, teithio, llety a threuliau.
Mae’r Sîn Gelfyddydau yng Nghymru yn rhoi llais newydd i adolygwyr annibynnol a bydd yn cefnogi ac yn hybu lleisiau newydd i gydweithio â ni, gan gynnwys pobl a chymunedau sydd fel arfer heb ffordd o fynegi barn nac ymateb i opera, theatr, dawns a’r celfyddydau gweledol.
I gynulleidfaoedd bydd hyn hefyd yn golygu y gallant ddarllen adolygiadau gan amrywiaeth ehangach o bobl a gobeithio y bydd hyn yn adlewyrchu eu cymunedau hwythau, eu bywydau a’u hagweddau a’u hymateb i’r celfyddydau.
Bydd ein hadolygiadau ni’n cynnig asesiad medrus o berfformiad neu ffurf arall ar y celfyddydau yng Nghymru – un sydd wedi’i ysgrifennu iddyn nhw, nid i adolygwyr eraill.
Dewch i ymuno â ni, naill ai fel adolygwr annibynnol drwy ymuno â’r tîm ysgrifennu, drwy danysgrifio i ddilyn a chyfrannu i’r sgyrsiau.
I ymuno â’r tîm adolygu a gwneud cais am gefnogaeth gan Gronfa Beirniaid Cymru, cysylltwch â ni ar ein tudalen Cysylltwch â Ni.
Hefyd, cliciwch ar y botwm TANYSGRIFIO ar y brig ar y dde ac am ddim byddwch yn cael hysbysiadau cryno am bostiadau newydd.


The Independent Voice of Artists and Reviewers in Wales / Llais Artistiaid ac Adolygwyr yng Nghymru

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