If you are Mr and Mrs Clark you fight back.

February 3, 2016 by

A destructive plea for cultural conservationism. In your home-town a symbol of equality, justice and freedom has been destroyed; art that stood for everything you know to be right. Its destruction makes way for a privately-guarded shopping centre. What do you do? If you are Mr and Mrs Clark you fight back.

In collaboration with the Newport art activists Bosch and with the guidance of the artist and academic Andre Stitt, Mr and Mrs Clark developed a timeline of performances in public spaces that now make up a theatre show. They call it Smash It Up.

Using documentary and short film and multi-media platforms Smash It Up explores the history of the systematic destruction of public art – your art. The piece considers the persistent, yet subtle attack on creativity and public space.

Ken Robinson’s words create a thoughtful aesthetic backdrop for the performers personal stories. You may not sit passively: the performance is a demanding one, making the audience consider how we nurture the creative spirit and how society might fail it.

The actions of the artist Michael Landy are briefly replicated as the cast offer up personal items to be destroyed. Smash It Up will make

Smash It Up is a destructive plea for some cultural conservationism. It is a challenging and uncomfortable demand for equality, for hope and for greater creative freedom and beyond all for an understanding and nurturing of the creative imagination.

Despite their campaign starting in their hometown Mr and Mrs Clark believe that these issues are global, historical and timely and that Newport, like Alexandria in AD48, is losing its library. When and how is open for debate.

What will you do?


Tour dates


17-20 & 24-27 Feb – Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff


3 March – Taliesin, Swansea

5 March – The Performance Centre, Swansea

10 March – Aberythwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth

23 & 24 March – The Riverfront, Newport


1 April – Borough Theatre Abergavenny

15 April – Small World Theatre, Cardigan


20 May – Battersea Arts Centre, London

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